Handheld Thermal Imaging & Fever Screening
Now available and in stock, the Hikvision handheld thermal camera is specially designed for body temperature measurement. It is equipped with a 160×120 resolution thermal detector, detects real time temperature and displays it clearly on the screen.
It is designed to discover and track people with a higher body temperature among a crowded public area, it can be used in places such as customs, airports, schools and hospitals as a screening tool for Covid-19.
Do I need to check my employees for Elevated Skin Temperature (EST)?
There is currently no legal requirement to check employees for EST. Any testing or screening is entirely voluntary and at the employers discretion. Employers may look towards ‘fever screening’ equipment / solutions as a preventive measure against the spread of viruses such as Covid-19.
EST has been recognised as a common symptom of Covid-19. Other recognised symptoms include a new and persistent cough and / or a loss or change in a person’s sense of taste and smell.
What is ‘fever screening’?
Fever screening is generally considered to be the process of taking a person’s skin temperature before they enter or pass through a new environment. The environment may include, for example, places of work, schools, enclosed public areas, or high traffic areas such as airports.
Test instruments such as medical infra-red thermometers and thermal cameras are commonly used to take skin temperature without having to make contact with an individual, reducing the chance of any virus transmission. It is important to use test equipment that is specifically designed for the purpose of recording skin temperature, or that has a ‘fever detection’ (or similar) mode built in.
There are many options available when considering Thermal Imaging and Fever Screening equipment/systems.
If you are interested in learning about the options available to you please contact our office via telephone on 0800 329 9146 or via email at info@halifax-security.com.