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Halifax Security Technologies National Three Peaks Challenge…

We did it! We completed our climb of the three highest mountains in the UK.


Come Friday morning excitement was at its peak and anticipation was building for what the team were about to embark upon.

The mini bus was packed with all of the essentials and the only thing left to do was drive to our start point. The base of Ben Nevis.

The drive was smooth as we all contemplated what we were about to do. Following a pit stop to refuel both bus and stomachs we arrived at Fort William, Scotland, the home of Ben Nevis. The prolific mountains that surrounded us prompted realisation that in no way was this going to be easy, then, following numerous rounds of cards it was time for an early night, 4:30am was our get up time and adequate rest was essential.

Head torches blearing we completed our initial ascent. Multiple false summits, jarred knees and litres of water later, we reached the peak. Above the clouds we breathed the crisp air and admired the view, we packed our sense of satisfaction (and relief) into our back packs and began our descent.


With the intense climb down complete, we tucked into Carl’s (our fantastic driver and chef) amazing bolognaise, just what was needed, ready for the journey to Scaffel Pike. Boots off, fluids and blister plasters in hand, we were off to our next destination.

The dark set in quickly, making our rocky climb even more exhilarating, luckily the moon made a dazzling appearance, lighting our way, but at the same time only emphasising the immense scale of what we had yet to complete.


Peak two successfully reached, we clambered down the stony alien landscape and following a quick feed (adrenaline still pumping) we piled back into the bus for the last slog. Mount Snowdon was our final peak to complete.


The drive was arduous but we were energised by our last two successes. Moral was high and we were all ready to go. The views from the half-way point could only be described as spectacular and from the summit they were even better, the perfect reward to end an incredible journey.

At times gruelling and tiring, the challenge was amazing and it was even more satisfying to complete knowing that we were helping raise awareness of the Yorkshire Children's Trust. 

Please check out our Facebook page @Halifax Security for more information.


Chris, Ross, Craig, Tom, Andrew, Carl & The rest of the Halifax Security Technologies Team.

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